Thursday, August 03, 2006

The (not steep) way to the top of the dente de crolles

We went for a walk up a local hil(mountain) a couple of weekends ago, the Dente de Crolles, (tooth of Crolles) its a 30 min drive from home up to about 1200 meters, and then a realy steep walk for another 40 mins up to the base of the toothy bit, then you have to decide, steep or even steeper, being not so fit, and very hot and half way through being eaten by some nasty flies, we decided to go the not so steep way, this is another 30 mins inot the not so steep way, to the Left is a sheer drop to the valley floor a few hundered meters below, and to the right is the back of the mountain which has come away form the main rock in places and its these splitss that make up the bit before you get to the top. the not steep bit had lots of wirers anchored to the side of the mountain to help you get up, and splits you had to crawl through. also we walked past the mouth of a cave, out of which a steady current of 5 degree air was wafting, such nice relief. I was later told that the steep way was not as ardious, and owuld explain the large amount of young children playing on the gentle grassy slope at the top.

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