Saturday, April 07, 2007

Buffy took a digger

Buffy got her bike wheel caught in the tram tracks, and blam! scrapes and bruises all over. Including a nasty dent in the ego, and a bruised pride, it was very public. She is well and safe and I didn't laugh till I knew she was OK.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

The enviable state of French politics

Not sure if you are aware but theres some French general elections on at the moment. Not amazing in itself, and certainly not amazing to most jeded english peole, but its of GREAT interest to French people, and an astonishing amount and cross section of French people, I even heard some typical ;yoofs' dicussin who was better, Segolen Royale, or Nichols Sarckozy, and seriously, they were discussing issues, as well as who would win in a fight.

At the office, the two youngest employees spent over 15 miniutes dicussing the various metis of the different candidates, its refreshing.

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Bens family

Originally uploaded by Ben from England.
A brief introduction to the members of my family. Might help with some of the introductions, maybe we could do the whole wedding by email and blog... and fed-ex cake and mimosas to everyone, then we could all dive in a skype chat and video webcam everyone in!

Or we could press the flesh, communicate non verbally and get our flabby white asses of the couch and go be somewhere else for a while! yay face to face!