Sunday, December 24, 2006

And now there are 3

And now there are 3
Originally uploaded by Ben from England.
Me, Mark and Julia and Lukas, taken by Buffy. nice. Mark and Julia have just recently moved to France, to a little pretty town called Meymac, near the auvergne mountains, smack in the middle of France, they have bought a small gallery, with a flat above it, they are going to sell art and photos of the town, please stop by if you are in the area!

Cookies for christmas

Cookies for christmas
Originally uploaded by Ben from England.
Mmm perfectly browned, new recipie macaroons in pyramid shapes ready to be dipped in chotholate! these are for taking to the peoples houses we got invited to, we have some very generous friends.

Christmas gouté

Oscar and Fergus
Originally uploaded by Ben from England.
Our Firneds Eoin and Linda came over for a snack after a strenious bout of christmas shopping they brought their kids, Oscar and Fergus and we had a pizza making party, always fun.

Our christmas tree

Our christmas tree
Originally uploaded by Ben from England.

We are spending Christmas in France this year, we figure a three year rotation will keep as many people happy as possible, incuding us. This gives us a chance to try a few christmas traditions of our own, in case we ever have any of you people over. up for consideration are:

  1. Lobster instead of turkey
  2. 20$ gift limit (in year of wedding especially helpful.
  3. doing nothing on Christmas eve (difficult)

It happed very quickly, November, it just flew by, not leaving much room for December, this combined with our recent addiction to Gray's Anatomy , Arrested Development and stuff that greases the wheels - work. So it turns out we have been less than pro active about our necessary commitments to show our interests in the Christmas spirit. To make up for it the next few posts have a christmas theme. And we WILL be doing a card, but it will be a new years card.