Sunday, February 26, 2006

Outside St Patricks, with Ben, Charlie, Will, Buffy and Kris.

Charlie's friend who's name was too lovley for me to remember took this picture. We have just come out from a lovley mass at St. Patricks Cathedral. Charlie and Chris had just been nabbed for a spot on NY1 the NYC TV station, the piece was apparently broadcast later, so my concerns about the phasing effects of Charlie's jumper were thankfully unfounded.

Christmas seemed to last about three hours in New York, when we went in the streets were empty and a lovley atmosphere pervaded the streets, by the time we had emerged and made our way to the Blue Fin restaurant on Times Square for Brunch the streets were once again hectic with life. We Joind Charlies room mate and his girlfriend for Brunch. And had a wonderful breakfast, I also hear the bar staff are very good at Blue Fin.

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