Monday, November 28, 2005

The finished Mural

The finished Mural
Originally uploaded by Ben from England.
This a mural I did for a family that Buffys knows up in St Martin D'Uruage, it took me and Jenny, who lives with them, and who is my new best friend, two days to do, then the family added their own animals, fun, and very rewarding. I am very pleased with how it turned out.

Friday, November 25, 2005

Snow out the window of my office.

Now this is nice, I woke up late today becasue my stupid Windows PDA thinks it is in some other time zone and I cant get it to switch back. So I am running round the flat trying to get my stuff together and I finanlly make it out the door about 15 mins late, so I get to work after thew slowest ram journey abut half an hour late, and I am the first person there! what luck, the picture is the reason, and its friday, and the boss is out of the office today. perfect day to be late.

Snow on the way to work

Snow on the way to work
Originally uploaded by Ben from England.
It just looked foggy when I woke up this morning. but on closer inspection, (after I put on my glasses) it had been snowing all night! yay! it doesent have the same efect as it does in england, ie. everything grinds to a halt, people just took a bit longer to get to work, no problem. So there is about 6 inches in town, and about a foot upstairs in St MArtin D'Uriage, but the town is pretty good about clearing the mountain roads, but they do wait till the snow stops before they do it. apart from that its just fun!