Monday, August 22, 2005

My Salle jour

My Salle jour
Originally uploaded by Ben from England.
the living room, with my balcony, I nhave a new coffee table now, and Buffy keeps threatening to decorate the lamp in the corner. look at the floor, Charlie would appreciate it I am sure. Nothing like a polished hard wood floor.

View from my kitchen window

form my kitchen window
Originally uploaded by Ben from England.
This is what I see when I am making my morning coffee, it constantly changes, the light is different every day and soare the neighbours, like the lady who cleans her windwos every morning, and the girl who iopens her shutters every morning, and has been on vacance for a while now... lazy french.

the marche for sunday vedgetable and so much more

just round the corner from my house, and I go there on Sundays it is busy, theres a butchers, a herb stand run by dodgy looking turkish guy, baker's a big van with CHeese, all sorts!

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Wierd flying saucer in the parc near work.

This is a college building in this park near my office, its odd, I was walking by here because the swimming pool that I normally go to at lunchtime is closed, and will be for the rest of the year, it was only iopen for 1 month! I could understand it if it was an outdoor pool, but its indoors!

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

My office

My office
Originally uploaded by Ben from England.
This is where I work, the blinds are to keep the searing heat out, we have more on the outside. We all have laptops, its on the edge of town, near a big shopping centre, nice. There is a pool 10 mins walk away, but I think it was only open for July, which is a shame, I'm going there in a moment to find out.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

My Mail box (boite de lettres)

Originally uploaded by Ben from England.
I got a plaque on my mailbox a while ago, i felt more at home straight away.

Started my job.

Started my job a couple of weeks ago, its different working in france, subltly, but very much so. nice though, they are cool here, and the work/life balance is great. more later.